DPA Analyzed Prediction for Trump’s Gaza plan
As usual, Israel-Palestinian related issues are always extremely polarized and controversial – on top of that, Youtube tries to suppress related topic videos, making it nearly impossible to reach and inform people on the geopolitical implications and interpretations of what is happening.
So I gonna write simply, what I think is going to happen:
- USA to take over Gaza from Israel (full control handed over to USA)
- Israeli troops to entirely leave Gaza Strip
- Trump to force neighboring countries to receive and take care of Gazan refugees
- Trump will successfull force neighboring countries into accepting the refugees regardless what they complained about
- Gazans given permission/options to migrate to 3rd country (they wont be forced into the decision) – particularly to Canada, European countries
- Gazans that dont opt to migrate, will be relocated temporarily to neighboring Arab countries to house them under humane circumstances (roof, water, electricity)
- Arab and Muslim countries will contribute up to 80% of the money for the reconstruction
- Trump will extort all the countries (especially the European ones) that criticized Trump for ethnic cleansing to invest in the reconstruction of Gaza
- First residential neighborhood will be constructed within 2 years (or by end of Trump’s term at the very least), and first group of Palestinians/Gazans will be moved in from relocated refuge of neighboring countries
- Gazans-Palestinians will be hugely employed in the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip in construction and civil engineering industry
- No US troops will be required to be deployed on the ground; the initial security forces will be likely a Arab/Muslim coalition peacekeeping force
- Hamas will be hands tied into deciding how to deal with the situation – which MIGHT force Hamas to take some drastic actions to try to stir up violence and trouble – because if the situation continue, they will lose power/control and Hamas will become irrelevant.
- In the event of Hamas conducting military operation, US military might get involve to support the Muslim/Arab peace keeping force – but Israel/IDF will be forbidded from taking any actions against Hamas inside Gaza Strip
- A new Gazan government will be formed, along with Gazan fire department and police force to maintain law and order in the rebuilt part of Gaza strip
- All Hamas tunnel systems will be uncovered and demolished along the way
- Border walls and military posts to downsize and step down in manning (after evacuation of civilians and reconstruction begins)

Possible (but hopeful) things that could happen:
- Gazan Strip could potentially declared independence as its own country apart from the Palestinian Authority, possibly Republic of Gaza – of course, to huge protesting from PA but nothing they can do about it
- Israel to open free movement and trade with New Gaza (especially if Gaza becomes it own country)
- Egypt to open free movement and trade with New Gaza
- Gaza will become a massive tourist magnet with beautiful resorts and trade hub – perhaps like a Singapore or Venice or Monte Carlo of Middle East
- Stranded multi-generation Palestinian refugees from previous wars and the initial Nakba will be invited back to become citizens in New Gaza
- Trump may insist on his initial Palestinian peace plan and force Israel to give up desert land along the Egyptian border to build the originally planned residential and industrial cities – land will be ceded to New Gaza away from Israeli control.
- USA might build a US Naval Military/Logistic Base in new Gaza, to keep tabs on Israel and keep Gaza safe from Israel – it can also contribute to the Gaza economy as a result.
- If Gaza is independent from Palestine and had proven to be well governed and no threat to Israel – Israel border with Gaza will be entirely demilitarized. Although the wall will remain because it would be expensive and pointless to remove them until there is a treaty to remove them by Gaza and Israeli govt.