Introduction to DPA CSI (Country Stability Index) – starring Ukraine.
Have you ever felt like, “I don’t really understand what’s the big deal” after reading a newspaper headline?
Or have you wondered how f**ked is a country actually is after seeing the mainstream media (MSM) reported a massive riot in a certain country?
If you think, news headlines just not giving you a clear picture of the situation in the country – then welcome to the DPA Country Stability Index (CSI).
DPA CSI helps to give you a quick glance of the situation in the country, from Security, to Politics; from Society to Finance and Economy.
Is Ukraine in Crisis? YES! Checked!
Is Singapore an awesome country? YES! Checked!
Is France in a f**king mess? NO! Checked!
You will never see the world the same again. This is DPA’s CSI.

Full Introduction: