Jerusalem: The first step towards long term peace in Israel-Palestine
US President Donald Trump representing USA had officially recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital.
In my opinion, this is the right step forward towards resolving the long time conflict between Israel and Palestine. Denying the number 1 thing that Israel want, will only make it impossible the peace process to be successful.
As prove to what I said above, Benjamin Netanyahu reacted to the announcement, calling Trump’s remarks a “historic landmark” and urged other countries to follow suit by moving their embassies to Jerusalem. The Israeli prime minister added that any future peace deal with Palestinians must include Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

U.S. President Donald Trump signs a memorandum after he delivered a statement on Jerusalem on December 6, 2017 as U.S. Vice President Mike Pence looks on. KEVIN LAMARQUE/ Reuters
For Donald Trump, this is yet another political victory, making it a trio of successive victory for the US President. Getting his GOP tax plan passed through the senate as well as having his “muslim ban” (which essentially, is just a logical temporary ban of people from warzones) upheld by the Supreme Court.
His big statements about helping to bring about a “Great Peace Deal” between Israel and Palestine during the campaign as well as during the visit of the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu on 15 February 2017 – where he told the press right in front of the Prime Minister that he is going to make the deal happen.
After a long silent, possibly doing negotiations and meeting as well as plannings for what would definitely be a difficult and complicated arrangement/decision, just when his political opponents and the media had been endlessly distracted by pointless scandals (which Trump can’t be bothered with actually) – he drop the bombshell of declaring his intention to declare Jerusalem Israel’s Capital.
This is classic Trump, for if you still do not understand this man after a year in office, where he intentionally do something or say something “unbelievable” to get everyone’s attention. He will then allow the “seed” to grow and spread like wild fire – and when he gets everyone’s attention – he will get on the microphone and say what is really important, cranking the machinery into action for the specific project that he is intending to push forward.
The entire storm that was stirred by the planned announcement is indeed strong. Condemnation comes from almost everywhere, with exception of Russia and United Kingdom – whom had the actual wisdom to wait and listen before making any comments.
The Arab nations are “up in arms” verbally, warning of dangerous consequences, and that the movement of US embassy to Jerusalem will destabilise the Middle East, while trying to make it sound like a major war will break out because of this recognition by the United States.
The Council of the League of Arab States released a statement calling the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital “an act of open aggression” against “the rights of the Palestinian people and all Muslims and Christians” – but while they sit on the fence watching USA bomb the hell out of Syria and Iraq while at the same time supported Saudi Arabia in their persecution of Yemen and literally did nothing in Libya while it continue in its new identity as a failed state.
“Open aggression against rights of Muslims and Christians” literally just mean “I do not like what you said”. And thats it. No one actually cares.
Turkey tried to call bluff by warning US that they will sever diplomatic ties with Israel if this happen – calling it “a red line” for Muslims and “a big blow to conscience of humanity”. I chuckled. Israel had always declared Jerusalem as their capital like forever – its just that it is not recognised by the United Nations and its member states.
Hamas declared a day (some reported 3) of rage.
“Hamas has called on its supporters to become involved in protests over the coming days. Salah Bardawil, a Hamas official, told Reuters that Palestinians were “on a dangerous crossroad today; we either remain or perish.” He added that “Trump or anyone thinking that our people, nation and resistance are unable to push back his plans is wrong.””
And obviously, when someone talks like that, you know he either exaggerating or he will fail miserably.
While protest is obvious, even a month of it, it is not going to achieve anything significant. Success stories from rallies and protests are few and far between – not to mention that the “resistance movements” had been rendered pretty much irrelevant by the Israeli military and the myriad of security frameworks + walls. Hamas are just taking advantage of this “opportunity” to be relevant again. As I mentioned above, it would amounts to nothing.
What do normal Palestinians really want? They obviously wants a better life, better opportunities, more freedom, less stress, more food, nice home, no violence – or in another word: Peace. If given a choice, war against Israel for Jerusalem, or peace with Israel, but no Jerusalem – which do you think the normal Palestinians would choose? The latter for most cases.
The violence and fighting by the Palestinians are often in reaction to incidents that involved Israeli soldiers – not because of some intangible things like which room Israel decides to call it a master bedroom.
Then why the condemnations? Its because among those whom condemned Israel and the announcement, they are incapable of defeating Israel militarily. Simple as that.
Just like thugs or gangsters, those they shouts the most at their adversaries are often insecure and feeling weak – shouting in the hopes that any positive outcome from the shouting can give them that confidence boost that they are so short of.
But in reality, its not for the lack of trying, the Arab states just can’t free themselves of the Jewish state, so that they can go back to their historical game of fighting it out to see who is the greatest among the Arabs. The very presence of Israel trapped the neighboring countries from doing anything that is disapproved by the United States.
Past failed wars against Israel weighs heavily on everyone in the region. The only weakness for Israel is the Palestinian issue, and thus they kept using Palestinians as the excuse for verbal attacks against Israel.
If Israel ever successfully get its capital fully recognised to be in Jerusalem – this would signify a complete victory for Israel over rest of the Arab world. The failure to keep Jerusalem (or at least portion of it) “Muslim” would be seen as a huge shame on themselves.
But just like how most of the holy sites are situated and controlled by Saudi Arabia (which I’m not entirely sure the rest of the Muslim world is comfortable with), no Arab country would gain anything to go to war with Israel just for Jerusalem, at least not when Israel continues to be as powerful militarily and economically as it is today.
But no matter what, the table is set, for the Trump brokered peace process between Israel and Palestine. Giving what Israel wants the most, is the first step, in a long process of reconciliation between 2 states with multi-generation bad blood.