Military forces attack Thantlang Township; allegedly shooting anyone in sight; all 13 villages evacuating

kha_kha on Twitter: “13 whole villages in ?Thantlang township had to move to safety as #Myanmar junta’s troops advanced search into the woods and villages, and shoot at every one they sees #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #June14Coup #ASEANrejectSAC / Twitter”

13 whole villages in ?Thantlang township had to move to safety as #Myanmar junta’s troops advanced search into the woods and villages, and shoot at every one they sees #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #June14Coup #ASEANrejectSAC


13 whole villages in Round pushpinThantlang township had to move to safety as #Myanmar junta’s troops advanced search into the woods and villages, and shoot at every one they sees #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar#June14Coup#ASEANrejectSAC