Moebye township abandoned by most residents

Say_No_to_Dictatorship on Twitter: “It has been about 5 days since Moebye township looked like an abandoned city as almost all the residents had to flee away due to ruthless SAC terrorists’ attack and bombardment on them. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #June13Coup / Twitter”

It has been about 5 days since Moebye township looked like an abandoned city as almost all the residents had to flee away due to ruthless SAC terrorists’ attack and bombardment on them. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #June13Coup


It has been about 5 days since Moebye township looked like an abandoned city as almost all the residents had to flee away due to ruthless SAC terrorists’ attack and bombardment on them. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar#June13Coup