Ukraine War Frontline Changes Report – 18 August 2024 (Day 907)

Ukrainian forces has begun the operation to pincer the entire Glushkovo region from two sides, with the Ukrainian entering Kursk oblast from a new border incursion, allegedly capturing the border village of Otruba.
On the current “western sector”, Ukrainian sources claim the capture of Apanasovka and Snagost with fighting already reported at Komarovka.
Kursk Front

Battle of Niu-York is over in an anticlimax, as per explained in the previous SITREP (, or rather SITREPs – the situation at the Niu-York region is catastrophic and the analysis that the Ukrainian forces are in full retreat is now full corrborated.
Russian forces had captured all of the Niu-York defense line in the east, and virtually of Niu-York city.
Russian forces had also entered Nelipivka from the SW from the western half of Niu-York – which is exactly as per DPA had analyzed to be happening.
The situation remains undefendable – the Ukrainian full retreat will continue to the next defense line – which currently, is unclear where it would be.
Niu-York Front

Entire region of the Avdiivka Front had collapsed entirely, with Ukrainian forces likely in full retreat.
Entire eastern bank of the Vovcha River south of Novoselivka Persha has fallen to the Russians, along with huge chunk of territory south of Zhelanne.
In the process, Russian forces allegedly had captured Novozhelanne, Zavitne, Komyshivka, Mezhove, Skuchne, Yasnobrodivka and Zhuravka (north of this region) – and battles are now reported at Novohrodivka, Marynivka, Mykhailivka, Ptyche and Selydove.
This mapping update confirms DPA’s analysis that Komyshivka had already fallen to the Russians due to Ukrainian MoD reports of fighting at Ptyche.
Ukrainian forces defending “the first boss” – Hrodivka, are now facing the potential prospect of getting flank from the north and from the SW with the latest developments of the frontline changes.
Russian forces reaches Novotoretske, while they quickly captured Zhuravka (with possibly little to no fighting). Fighting is now reported at Krutyi Yar.
Russian forces continue to hold a strong foothold in the SE of Hrodivka.
Avdiivka Front
Watch the Full Frontline Changes Report here: