Ukrainian Misinformation Telegram Network discovered by Russian hackers
This is the link to the report by the 3 Russian hacker group (Joker DPR, Beregini, NemeZida) that discovered the entire Ukrainian network of “Russian” telegram channels that the Ukrainians used to publish misinformation as well as solicit money “for the Russian troops”.
Unfortunately, I am unable to open the website. I bet many of you guys couldnt too.
The attached is the screenshot of the web page I managed to get via a vpn-ish-website-checking site, which print screen for me, minus the images in the article.

Its in Russian.
I have then cut it up into pieces to feed it to the Yandex OCR translate so that we, non-russians can read them – it is as below:

The main guy behind the entire network is identified by the Russian hacker coalition group, is a Ukrainian call Ilchuk Luka Igorevich.
He is allegedly directed by a supervisor from the SBU (Secret Service of Ukraine).

The channels in the network are HUGE and probably followed by many of you, including:
“Pro-Russian” Channels:
Kadyrov Detachments – 447,000 subs
Operation Z – 736,000 subs
Novorossiya 2.0 – 38,000 subs
Do note that, these channels cannot be found on telegram by search – they are private channels or private groups; and are named to resembled existing main big pro-Russian channels
“Anti-mobilisation” Channels:
St Petersburg against mobilisation – 90,000 subs
Moscow against mobilisation – 67,000 subs
Russia against mobilisation – 23,000 subs

“Look for your own Russian soldier” Channel – 532,000 subs
“News” Channels:
The First News – 110,000 subs
Musa Edelstein: The Hidden Meaning – 181,000 subs
Moscow Telegraph – 120,000 subs
100 Personality – 70,000 subs
And an assortment of regional news channels:
- Main News | St Petersburg – 39,000 subs
- Main News | Krasnodar – 30,000 subs
- Main News | Belgorod – 26,000 subs

“Ukrainian” Channels:
Politics of Ukraine – 250,000 subs
Mesniki – 5000 subs
…again… many of these are not public channels or groups. You cannot find them via search. They are mostly linked from one private channels to the others in a hidden “dark” network.
Reminds me of telegram channels involving porn and illegal activities. (Dont ask me how I know)
The hackers then revealed the people behind the channels.
While its kindda pointless to talk about the individuals, since they are as nobody as its none of our business, ….
the hackers added that the content from the “Kadyrov Detachments” pretends to be posting on behalf of units from Russian military and is designed to gradually discredit the Russian military with provocative posts over time.

Operation Z along with the previous mentioned Kadyrov Detachment are meant to be gateways to channels that are created by pro-ukrainians/ukrainian run channels/groups.
Operation Z as per described by the hackers, say that the channel deliberately have a pro-Russian patriotic vibe, but some posts were provocative and used to affect public sentiment via criticism of the Russian leadership/military
The hackers also alleged that they detected fake data/data manipulation – maybe a lot fake accounts to boost a channel size to create a sense of credibility (like many tik-tok accounts…. actually dont have that many fans/followers)
They also alleged that the channels conduct fundraisers for Russian troops, which are fake.

The hacker observed the use of legitimate sounding usernames as a front, while hiding the real links to the main channels (as mentioned, you cannot find them on search).
The news content are deliberately negative nature (according to the hackers).
Then more revelation of the owners/admins of the channels.
Interesting note is that, “Musa Edelstein – The Hidden Meaning of Current Events” was previously known as “Meat Grinder”.

Then more revelation of the people behind the scene which I’m not interested (nor I think it interests you)
Then we have this interesting information, which I noticed also as I was researching / fact checking this:
You cannot actually find the Moscow channel in telegram via search. If you search, you will enter a channel with just over 600 subs. But when you click the link that is in the Ukrainian “Operation Z” channel, it actually redirects you to the “REAL” “Moscow Telegraph” channel that is run by the Ukrainians.
Then more revelations of the admins as well as further mentioning of channels being hidden and also accessible via the “Operation Z” ‘s links.

Then there is this “Belarus Live” channel that was then renamed to “Yekaterinburg”…. which I personally vaguely remember seeing before….. vaguely…. but again, these are all non-searchable.
Then more “local” channels being mentioned along with their owners/admins….
So in the conclusions, the hackers reminds their readers/supporters to take note of the information warfare conducted by professional social media marketers working under the SBU and remind them to unsubscribe if they find themselves actually following these channels as well as spreading the words around.
DPA Notes:
This is nothing particularly “special”, at least from my point of view, because I clearly can tell there are channels that are unusual and suspicious in the type of information they publish versus who they actually supposed to represent.
For example, for a long long time, people kept talking about a wagner channel or a kadyrov channel as if they are related to the real military units – when they are actually unrelated.
So be mindful when you are online. Information warfare is real, many channels are fake or not what you think…..
Just like DPA… have you really thought about who I am? Who paid me?….
Tsk tsk tsk… you are doomed…. I have brainwashed you.