Wuhan Coronavirus is definitely more viral & dangerous than SARS
1 Nov 2002 To: 1 Apr 2003 (6 months)
China alone.
Infected: 806
Dead: 34
One Month later:
accumulated numbers became…
1 Nov 2002 To: 01 May 2003
China alone.
Infected: 3638
Dead: 170
And despite this massive increase, its “merely” 450% increase over 30 days.-
Today. Wuhan Coronavirus
1 Dec 2019 To: 27 Jan 2020 (2 months)
China alone.
Infected: 2794
Dead: 80


We went from 278 cases on 20 Jan, to 2794 cases in just 10 days, and 80 already dead.
So can we stop saying this is less virulent than SARS? Its literally not true given that we are still in the infancy of its propagation
We are not even 6 months into the first case, not even 3 months for that matter.
Looking at the trend of what SARS did, the worst is yet to come, in my opinion.
Featured Photo: AFP
Get the latest Wuhan Virus Numbers/News:
– https://www.thebeijinger.com/blog/2020/01/22/coronavirus-count-in-beijing?fbclid=IwAR2P4aZnMhiKxy5ANetPJfYB82ZOFVCpAkuM3bkNo6tiVueDqY1EruwcEBM
– https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html?fbclid=IwAR3ecIw6076NX0gaoh3r2QpQjEMGZqGSJG-4_3FVwTH5u5lJMzFUww2fLI4#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6