[ Yahoo! ] Sinovac to be included in Singapore’s national vaccination programme
Eight months after Singapore received its first doses of the Sinovac-CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine, it will now be included in the National Vaccination Programme (NVP) as an alternative for those who are unable or unwilling to take mRNA vaccines.
Noting that some continue to choose not to take up mRNA vaccinations due to “strong personal preferences”, the Ministry of Health (MOH) added that it will offer the three-dose regime of Sinovac-CoronaVac to those who have not completed their full course of vaccination.
This includes persons who had only received one or two doses of Sinovac-CoronaVac previously, and is to ensure that everyone will have “reasonably good protection” against the coronavirus.

However, given the relatively lower vaccine efficacy of Sinovac-CoronoVac compared with mRNA vaccines, the following guidance will apply:
– Persons who can take the mRNA vaccines should continue to take two doses to complete their primary series regime
– Persons who had received only one or two doses of Sinovac-CoronaVac to date, are strongly encouraged to complete a three-dose primary series regime with mRNA vaccines as it offers more optimal protection
– Persons who are unable to take mRNA vaccines due to medical reasons, should receive three doses of Sinovac-CoronaVac in total to complete their primary series regime.
– Persons who started vaccination with mRNA vaccines but developed allergies or severe adverse reactions after the first dose, should complete a three-dose primary series regime with two more doses of Sinovac-CoronaVac
– If the allergic reaction happens after the second dose of mRNA vaccine, then he/she should take one more dose of Sinovac-CoronaVac as their booster when they are eligible
Health authorities also clarified that all**** who have taken two doses of Sinovac-Coronavac will be regarded as fully vaccinated for four months after the second dose, or till 31 December 2021, whichever is later.
This arrangement will provide enough time for individuals to get their third doses and maintain their vaccination status. The same rule will apply to those who had received two doses of the Sinopharm vaccine.
For travellers who may have taken only two doses of Sinovac-CoronaVac in their home country will be regarded as vaccinated, but only for a limited period of 30 days.
DPA Notes: Massive massive compromise by Singapore Govt to protect the 100,000 odd old people that are still unwilling to get vaccinated.
As Singapore is moving rapidly ahead to keep up with the opening up of borders around the world (especially the western countries), Singapore govt cannot afford to delay their own reopening any longer.