
The above is an estimation based on information we are collect from open source intelligence and news reporting. We are not responsible for any mishap, misjudgment or losses resulted in the usage of the information presented in this map.
Point of view
"I guarantee the establishment of a union based on democracy and federalism...
...I pledge to hold the multiparty general election without fail...
Chairman, State Administration Council
Point of view
"Myanmar side is committed to promoting national stability, economic growth and improvement of people's livelihoods, and safeguarding democracy and the rule of law."
Chairman, State Administration Council
Demands / Objectives
- According to the plan, Myanmar will continue to follow its current political path and shall not bring amendments to current foreign, executive and economic policies.
- The newly reformed Union Election Commission is reviewing the electoral process of last year’s general election.
- The ongoing Covid-19 programs will not be discontinued. Moreover, emphasis will be given to the distribution of vaccines all over the country. National and International investments will be encouraged to help the businesses affected by the pandemic.
- In order to promote eternal peace, nationwide ceasefire agreements will be called with ethnic armed organizations.
- A fair and free general election will be held and the power of the state will be handed to a political party which wins in line with democracy standards.
Point of view
"This revolution is a just and fair revolution and is necessary to build a federal union with sustainable peace"
Acting President, National Unity Government
Point of view
"The transition from a military council to a caretaker government is a reflection of the fact that they are preparing for an international diplomatic battle, trying to prove the fact that they are a government.
However, there is no denying the fact that the military is not elected by the people"
Minister for Human Rights, National Unity Government
Point of view
"Any discussions, any meeting about the future of the people of Myanmar must include the people of Myanmar, (their) voices must be heard"
Spokesperson, National Unity Government
Point of view
"Given the complete refusal by the military junta to engage in negotiations and their growing repression, the EU is also working on a new sanctions package to further defend human rights."
EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Vice-President of the European Commission
Point of view
"I am in contact with almost every ethnic armed organization to discuss how we can solve the overall problem in the country to find a peaceful solution. And I’m sure talking is always better than violence."
UN Special Envoy on Myanmar
Point of view
"To be honest with you, we are disappointed at the slow – very, very slow progress,"
Foreign Minister of Singapore
Declaration Of War
- People's resistance war against the junta had started
- Urging public to revolt against the military coup regime
- People's Defense Force (PDF) to target "every pillar of the junta's ruling mechanism"
- Urge local administrators working under the junta to resign
- Warned people not to undertake unnecessary travel, stock up on food and medical supplies
- Call on people to help the PDFs and civilian resistance forces by becoming informants of military activities
- Urged ethnic armed organisations to attack coup regime forces in every way possible / maintain control over their territories
- Call on Border Guard Forces, junta-allied militias, soldiers and police to defect
- Declare all civilian departments and offices under the military council to be closed indefinitely
- There will be "no compromise" between the civilian National Unity Government of Myanmar and the military regime unless the junta, known as the State Administration Council, met all of four conditions laid out by the Party.
- Demands military junta to restore the democratically elected government and parliamentarians from the democratically held November elections.
- Release of State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi
- End to violence against the protesting anti-coup civilians
- Removal of soldiers from Myanmar Streets
- Release of prisoners arrested arbitrarily by junta.
Tatmadaw reportedly threatened Hpakant township with artillery strikes should they allow the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) into their villages
Kind Monster@Kind___Monster Myanmar Military Threatens To Bomb Villages in Hpakant Township (Thd. 1/5) Ref: Kachin News Group The Myanmar Military threatened local leaders in Hpa Kant tsp that they will launch artillery attacks if the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) visits their villages. According to a man close to the village administration committee, the military issued…
Tatmadaw launches offensive in Bawlakhe township, Kayah State against Karrenni Army (KA) and Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF)
Civilians have fled advancing Burma Army (BA) troops following fighting with Karenni Army (KA) and Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) in Bawlakhe and Hprasu townships.
Tatmadaw launches offensive in Hpruso township, Kayah State against Karrenni Army (KA) and Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF)
Civilians have fled advancing Burma Army (BA) troops following fighting with Karenni Army (KA) and Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) in Bawlakhe and Hprasu townships.
Multiple clashes between Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) of the Karen National Union (KNU) and the Tatmadaw forces in Hpapun (Mutraw) district, Karen State
Almost 40 Clashes Reported within 15 days in KNU Mutraw District Killing 31 Junta’s Soldiers KNU မူေၾတာ္ခ႐ိုင္တြင္ ၁၅ရက္အတြင္း တိုက္ပြဲေပါင္း ၄၀နီးပါးျဖစ္ပြားၿပီ စစ္ေကာင္စီတပ္ဖြဲ႕ဝင္ ၃၁ ေသဆုံး
Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA of the Karen National Union (KNU) attacked Tatmadaw camp near Bekka village in Kyaikto Township, Mon State
Revolutionary News-တော်လှန်ရေးသတင်းများ@Revolut56180534 Mon State Kyaikto Township The Karen National Union (KNU) attacked a military base under the 44th Division of the Military Council near Bekka village on July 16, killing three soldiers. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #July17Coup #DreadfulCovidAmidMilitaryCoup
United League of Arakan (political wing of Arakan Army) announced 2 weeks stay home period to combat Covid-19 in Rakhine State
Kyaw Hsan Hlaing@kyawhsanhlaing1 United League of Arakan (ULA), a political wing of @Arakanarmy1Army, has announced “a two week period [from 20 July to 4 August] of Stay-at-Home in Rakhine State” #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar And its appearing that some regions in Rakhine is following the advisory. Kyaw Hsan Hlaing@kyawhsanhlaing1 “Today, These Views from Mrauk-U, Minbya, Buthidaung and Sittwe…
Tatmadaw Beechcraft 1900D crashed near Pyin Oo Lwin; 12 dead 4 injured
An airplane of the Tatmadaw Lei (Myanmar Air Force) crashed under unknown circumstances near Pyin Oo Lwin, 1,8 km NNW of the Anisakan Airport. Twelve occupants died in the crash and four were injured. pvoberstein@PvOberstein 12 dead in Myanmar Air Force Beech 1900D (4610) accident near Pyin Oo Lwin, Myanmar 10 June 2021… An…
Unknown smoke (possibly from an airstrike) after planes and drones reported flew over downtown Yangon
Kan latt@kan_latt 17/7/2021 Saturday night Downtown in Yangon. Strange smoky diffusing On air after hearing the sound Of drone and aircraft at downtown area In Yangon Myanmar. Residents are worrying Weather it’s good or bad A few week ago also had happened in downtown area. Sandar@Sandar79718331 The fumes were seen in the sky after flying…
Explosion occurred at Defence Services Technological Academy in Pyin Oo Lwin, Mandalay
An explosion occurred near Gate 3 of the Defence Services Technological Academy in Pyin Oo Lwin, Mandalay, the evening of July 18. Reports indicate that the blast injured at least one person. While the cause of the explosion is unclear, anti-junta activists are likely responsible.
Bomb explosion in Sanmyo ward, Kale Township, Sagaing
SAVE MYANMAR (Sophia)@KhinSophia Photos showing the aftermath of explosion of bombs in front of a store near KBZ bank in Sanmyo ward, Kale tsp last night. JUNTA USES COVID AS WEAPONS #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #July17Coup
Military forces set houses belonging to NLD party members on fire in Shwebo township, Sagaing region. Local fire engines are reported seized by the military.
ZeeKwat@ZeeKwat23 4 #NLD Party members’ houses in #ShweBo tsp were set on fire by SAC forces yesterday. About 6000 villagers from 5 villages have fled their villages. SAC forces also siezed fire engines of local fire brigade said by one of the locals. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #July19Coup
Indian Security Forces arrested 4 members of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN) in Kohima, Nagaland
WeTheNagas@WeTheNagas Security Forces in a joint Operation with Nagaland Police apprehended 4 cadres of NSCN (K) Nikki Sumi Group in general area Lower Agri, Kohima, Nagaland on 12th July & recovered one AK 47 Rifle, 3 magazines, 85 rounds of ammunition and Rs. 11,500/- in cash. #Nagaland #WeTheNagas
Kachin Independence Army destroys Tatmadaw’s People’s Militia Force Camp in Waingmaw Township, Myitkyina, Kachin State
Source: The military shelled villagers in Kachin State with artillery in retaliation for a Kachin Independence Army (KIA) attack on a Peoples Militia Force (PMF) camp in Waingmaw Township. KIA attacked the PMF camp near Aung Myae-1 village at 8pm on July 11 and seized its weapons. About thirty minutes later, Burma Army IB-142,…
Tatmadaw shelled Kachin Independence Army (KIA) positions in Momauk, Kachin State
Nwe ni@Nweni07901229 Momauk, Kachin State: 2 houses and a car in KoneLaw village are destroyed from artillery shells launched on Jul11 night 10pm by SAC Terrorists, aiming at KIA unit. #July12Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Kachin Independence Army launched night assault on Tatmadaw position at Shwe Nyaung Pin village in Waingmaw Township, Myitkyina, Kachin State
Jaw Tu Hkawng@JawTuHkawng #Breaking The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) carried out an defensive attack againt the coup d’état LIB 321 at Shwe Nyaung Pin village, in Waingmaw township, at around 8 pm tonight. The number of causalities is still unknown. Reported by @KachinNewsGroup #WhatsHappeningInKachin
Tatmadaw attacked Kachin Independence Army and PDF positions at Shwegu Township, Kachin State with fighter jets
Kind Monster@Kind___Monster #July9Coup BREAKING NEWS! Since noon, Myanmar Military is using two fighter jets bombing on Shwegu tsp, Kachin State leaving PDF (People Defense Force) & KIA (Kachin Independence Army) casualties. @RapporteurUn @SchranerBurgen1 #July9Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
[ Myanmar Now ] People’s Defence Force in Sagaing says it killed 180 junta troops with help of Kachin Independence Army
People’s Defence Force (PDF) fighters in Sagaing Region have said they teamed up with the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) to kill more than 180 junta troops during five days of fighting last week.
[ Mizzima ] Escalation of inter-ethnic conflict in the midst of Myanmar’s Spring Revolution
Source: The EAOs are divided into United Wa State Army (UWSA)-led and the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement-Signatory-EAOs (NCA-S-EAOs) groups. The former is politically under the alliance of Federal Political Negotiation and Consultative Committee (FPNCC), while the latter is represented by the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST) in deliberations and bargaining for political settlement with the…
Formation of Shan State Liberation Party and Shan State Front for Federal
Bago’s Spring Revolution @SpringBago4d Youths from #Shan State set Up #SSLP (Shan State Liberation Party) and SSFF (Shan State Front for Federal) . According to interviews with Responsible and Irrawady media, they will work together with SSPP and RCSS and PDF groups as Alliances. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #July10Coup Last week, a newly formed Shan political organization known as…
Shan Army South withdraw from positions in Loi Hun mountains in Kyethi Township, Loilem District, Shan State
Matt W@mattyrwalsh Shan Herald reports RCSS have withdrawn from positions in Loi Hoon mtns in Kyethi Twp, a flash point in their conflict w/ SSPP. Around 3k ppl have been displaced in the area; withdrawal no doubt a welcome step towards diffusing RCSS v SSPP conflict. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Karreni Army engaged intruding Tatmadaw and supporting militias in Loikaw Township, Kayah State
Thet Hnin@ThetHnin091 Yesterday,four clashes broke out between 8 am and 7 pm due to the joint military operation of military troops and the People’s Militia into the #Karenni Army area in #Loikaw Township.The initial seven killed of military soldiers in the clashes. #July13Coup
Karen ethnic armed groups in the peace council to meet for discussion on military and political matters: KNU, DKBA, KNLA and BGF are the reported groups for this meeting
LOM Thiha@LomThiha Karen ethnic armed groups such as the KNU; DKBA A KNU / KNLA official told NBung Dat Kasa – Kachin Multimedia that military officials from the BGF and KNU / KNLA will meet tomorrow (June 15) to discuss the current military and political situation. #June14Coup
[ Frontier Myanmar ] ‘A threat to the revolution’: Pyusawhti returns to post-coup Myanmar
People on our street believe that the fire was the work of Pyusawhti,” said Htike Thu, referring to a recently formed pro-military network. “No one can go outside during curfew. Only Pyusawhti can ignore the curfew because it is partners of the military,” he added. The network, named after a famous semi-mythical Bamar warrior prince…
[ BBC Burmese ] Explosion near Minister’s Office in Yangon
An explosion near the ministers office. An explosion occurred this morning on July 8th near the Minister’s Office (Former Interior Office) at the corner of Anawrahta Road and Thein Phyu Road, Yangon.During the explosion, there are inspectors as pre-celebration of Martyr’s Day in the office and no injuries.
[ Eleven ] Explosion reported at Lanmadaw Township, Yangon
An explosion occurred at Shwe Nandaw gold and jewellery shop located at the corner of Lanmadaw Street and Mahabandoola Road in Lanmadaw Township around 2 pm on July 8 injuring one of its staffs, sources said. The security forces arrived after the explosion and closed the surrounding areas for investigation.
[ Crisis24 ] Myanmar: Explosion reported near Electricity Power Corporation (EPC) facility in Taunggyi July 14
Reports indicate that an explosion occurred near a Electricity Power Corporation (EPC) facility in Taunggyi late July 14. Initial reports suggest that security forces are carrying out vehicle inspections in the area and closed off roads near the incident sites. There were no confirmed reports of injuries or casualties from the incident. While the cause…
[ StraitsTimes ] Travellers from Myanmar barred from entering Singapore from July 15
SINGAPORE – Travellers from Myanmar will not be allowed to enter Singapore from Thursday (July 15) given a rise in Covid-19 cases there, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Wednesday (July 14). From 11.59pm on Thursday, all long-term pass holders and short-term visitors with a travel history to Myanmar – including transit – in the past…
Myanmar’s Oxygen Crisis
According to multiple sources on twitter and in the media, the military regime has reportedly restricted supplies of oxygen to hospitals and COVID-19 care centers. According to The Irrawaddy, 731 bodies were cremated at the three major cemeteries in Yangon just yesterday (13th July 2021), as compared to just 40 funerals per day before the…
[ EastAsiaForum] Why are Chinese troops assembling on the Myanmar border?
Source: There is now potential for international escalation as Chinese troops are reported to be assembling in Jiegao, an important border town, which is not unexpected during periods of elevated tension. The troops are said to have rapid response capabilities if it is deemed necessary to guard the Kyaukpyu pipelines. The pipelines are a significant part…
[ Mizzima ] Arms for Chin State intercepted in India’s Mizoram
In one of the major arms recoveries in recent times in Mizoram, the Assam Rifles on Tuesday seized a large haul of war-like stores being smuggled to Myanmar and apprehended two individuals, The Hindu reported. “These explosives are believed to be transported from Mizoram to Myanmar for use by the Chin national Army (CNA) against…
Kachin Independence Army (KIA) attacked joint checkpoint (21-mile gate) near Maliyang village, Myitkyina, Kachin State ; 1 police killed, 1 police injured
Lwin Mar Aye@LwinMarAye14 It is confirmed that the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) opened fire on a 21-mile joint checkpoint above the Mayang village in #Myitkyina at around 5 am today.All vehicles entering and exiting the gate have been closed after the shooting at the 21-mile gate. #June30Coup ZeeKwat@ZeeKwat23 Kachin Independence Army (KIA) attacked #MyitKyiNa 21…
Tatmadaw helicopter “bombed” Kachin Independence Army’s 11th Battalion (KIA) positions in Mogaung, Kachin State
Myat Phyo@MyatPhy29652597 #Kachin State , The Kachin Independence Army’s (KIA) 11th Battalion area in #Mogaung Township was bombed by the military council at 1.30 pm today. #NoFlyZoneInMyanmar #June30Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar Eh@mei41155581 #NoFlyZoneInMyanmar At around 1:00 PM today , a military helicopter bombed the Battalion area (11) of Kachin Independence Army (KIA ) . According to…
Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and PDF (People Defense Force) Sagaing attacked the military force across 3 locations in Sagaing
Jaw Tu Hkawng@JawTuHkawng The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and People Defence Force-Sagaing joined forces to attack the military council within 24 hours in three parts of Sagaing division. The local resident said, “two army officers and two soldiers were killed on the spot.” 3/7/21 @KachinNewsGroup
Fighting between the Tatmadaw and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) near Manlong, Kyaung Pyan villages between Kutkai and Muse, Shan State
Aung Zaw@AungZaw_AZ July 4, Northern Shan State Fighting broke out between the dictator’s Military and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) at around 8 am on July 4 near Manlong and Kyaung Pyan villages in Kutkai Township. Artillery shells were fired from the military base. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar Gerizem TH@ThitHto66015306 Clashes occured between the Kachin Independence Army (KIA)…
Shan Army – South (RCSS/SSA-S) clashes with Shan Army – North(SSPP/SSA-N) + Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) in Kyaukme, northern Shan State
Hnin Oo Wai@HninOoWai55 Clashes between RCSS/SSA and SSPP/SSA,TNLA happened in Village of KyaukMe,Northern Shan State.Nearly 800 Villagers are fleeing and urgent need of food,Medical supplies and other humanitarian aids. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #July2Coup
Fighting broke out in Kyethi Township, Loilem District, Shan State between Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) / Shan State Army – South and Shan State Progress party (SSPP) / Shan State Army – North; Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) & United Wa State Army (UWSA) troops reportedly is in the fight as well.
Matt W@mattyrwalsh According to local media and CBOs, fighting continued in Kyethi Township yesterday, June 30, between RCSS & SSPP (plus TNLA & UWSA troops allegedly in the mix). Thousands have been displaced in the area since earlier in June. The intro of UWSA troops is notable, and has been reported on by Mizzima and…
[ Shan News ] Is a proxy war starting in Shan State?
Source : The Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army ( SSPP/SSA- Wanhai) and the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army ( RCSS/SSA- Loi Tai Leng) have been fighting against each other for the control of areas in northern Shan State since 2017. Thousands have lost their lives and livelihoods due to the fighting.…
Fighting between Tatmadaw and Karenni Army reportedly broke out near Loikaw, Kayah State
Two clashes between the military council’s troop and the Karenni Army took place six kilometers from the south of Loikaw in Karenni (Kayah) on July 3. Nearby IDPs reportedly relocated. Karenni Information Center (KnIC) quoted on the ground sources as saying because troops entered the area where IDPs live KNPP opened fire on them. The…
[ WeeklyBlitz ] Rohingya militancy group ARSA silently gets organized
Dhaka Post reporters Adnan Rahman and Joshim Uddin in their report said, Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) has already recruited over two thousand members from the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, where it has approximately 150 female jihadists. Majority of the ARSA recruits are based in Kutupalong and Balukhali areas in Cox’s Bazar and Teknaf district. According…
Explosion at Pazundaung Administration Office; one civilian injured
Shwe Yee@Shwitler 1 July 2021 – Bomb explosion at Pazuntaung Administration Office. One civilian trishaw man lost an arm. #Myanmar #Birmanie #Birmania #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #terrorists #NUG #PDF #NLD
Guerilla attacked a police post with an explosive device in Myaynigone, Yangon; one civilian injured
Shwe Yee@Shwitler 1 July 2021 – NLD supporting terrorists threw bomb inside the Traffic Police Station @ MyayNiGone Township, Yangon. One civilian woman was hurt. #Myanmar #Birmanie #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Terrorists #NUG #PDF #NLD #AungSanSuKyi
Explosion reported in Myaynigone, Yangon; 1 civilian injured
민치@MyuLay5 [Video Footage] There was a bomb explosion under Yangon’s MyayNiGone Bridge at around 8 AM today and a passerby girl got injured. #MyanmarMilitaryTerrorists committed many blasts across Myanmar. Via: @Khithitofficial #July1Coup
Automatic gunfires and explosions reported in Taungzalat ward, Kale, Sagaing
Bhone Yaung Sitt@YaungSitt In #Myanmar, #Kalemyo, #Taungzalap Ward, GUNFIRE and BOMB blasts have been heard around 9 pm tonight around the Irrigation Office. The gunfire was heard not only immediately but also in a series of automatic gunshots. #July3Coup #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar
Fighting between Depeyin PDF and the Tatmadaw near SatPyarKyin village, Depeyin Township on 2nd July
Bago’s Spring Revolution@SpringBago Tw // death Update Depeyin News At least 18 were lost their lives and more than 10 were injured from #Depeyin PDF in the broke out near #SatPyarKyin village #Depeyin tsp on 2nd July. REST IN POWER, brothers. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #July3Coup
[ AFP / THE ASEAN POST ] Junta Frees Thousands Of Anti-Coup Protesters
Myanmar authorities released more than 2,000 anti-coup protesters from prisons across the country on Wednesday, including local journalists jailed after reporting critically on the junta’s bloody crackdown. By the evening, a total of 2,296 protesters had been released from prisons around the country, the junta’s information team said in a statement. Journalist Kay Zon Nway…
Zomi Revolutionary Army (ZRA) attacked Tedim PDF camp, Chin State on June16
はずき@hazukimayo Total value of 200 lakh worth properties of Tedim PDF camp from Chin state, were vandalised by the Zomi Revolutionary Army (ZRA) on June16. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar#June18Coup
Tatmadaw shelled Kachin Independence Army (KIA) HQ near Laiza & La Gyar Yang, Kachin State
ZeeKwat@ZeeKwat23 Breaking News. Myanmar Tatmadaw, the military has launched multiple artillery strikes to #Laiza and MaiJangYang, #Kachin state where Kachin Independence Army (KIA) Headquarter exists. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar#June23Coup11:33 PM · Jun 23, 2021·Twitter