
The above is an estimation based on information we are collect from open source intelligence and news reporting. We are not responsible for any mishap, misjudgment or losses resulted in the usage of the information presented in this map.
Point of view
"I guarantee the establishment of a union based on democracy and federalism...
...I pledge to hold the multiparty general election without fail...
Chairman, State Administration Council
Point of view
"Myanmar side is committed to promoting national stability, economic growth and improvement of people's livelihoods, and safeguarding democracy and the rule of law."
Chairman, State Administration Council
Demands / Objectives
- According to the plan, Myanmar will continue to follow its current political path and shall not bring amendments to current foreign, executive and economic policies.
- The newly reformed Union Election Commission is reviewing the electoral process of last year’s general election.
- The ongoing Covid-19 programs will not be discontinued. Moreover, emphasis will be given to the distribution of vaccines all over the country. National and International investments will be encouraged to help the businesses affected by the pandemic.
- In order to promote eternal peace, nationwide ceasefire agreements will be called with ethnic armed organizations.
- A fair and free general election will be held and the power of the state will be handed to a political party which wins in line with democracy standards.
Point of view
"This revolution is a just and fair revolution and is necessary to build a federal union with sustainable peace"
Acting President, National Unity Government
Point of view
"The transition from a military council to a caretaker government is a reflection of the fact that they are preparing for an international diplomatic battle, trying to prove the fact that they are a government.
However, there is no denying the fact that the military is not elected by the people"
Minister for Human Rights, National Unity Government
Point of view
"Any discussions, any meeting about the future of the people of Myanmar must include the people of Myanmar, (their) voices must be heard"
Spokesperson, National Unity Government
Point of view
"Given the complete refusal by the military junta to engage in negotiations and their growing repression, the EU is also working on a new sanctions package to further defend human rights."
EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Vice-President of the European Commission
Point of view
"I am in contact with almost every ethnic armed organization to discuss how we can solve the overall problem in the country to find a peaceful solution. And I’m sure talking is always better than violence."
UN Special Envoy on Myanmar
Point of view
"To be honest with you, we are disappointed at the slow – very, very slow progress,"
Foreign Minister of Singapore
Declaration Of War
- People's resistance war against the junta had started
- Urging public to revolt against the military coup regime
- People's Defense Force (PDF) to target "every pillar of the junta's ruling mechanism"
- Urge local administrators working under the junta to resign
- Warned people not to undertake unnecessary travel, stock up on food and medical supplies
- Call on people to help the PDFs and civilian resistance forces by becoming informants of military activities
- Urged ethnic armed organisations to attack coup regime forces in every way possible / maintain control over their territories
- Call on Border Guard Forces, junta-allied militias, soldiers and police to defect
- Declare all civilian departments and offices under the military council to be closed indefinitely
- There will be "no compromise" between the civilian National Unity Government of Myanmar and the military regime unless the junta, known as the State Administration Council, met all of four conditions laid out by the Party.
- Demands military junta to restore the democratically elected government and parliamentarians from the democratically held November elections.
- Release of State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi
- End to violence against the protesting anti-coup civilians
- Removal of soldiers from Myanmar Streets
- Release of prisoners arrested arbitrarily by junta.
[ Myanmar ] Myanmar MiG-29 intruded into & open fired over Thailand’s Tak region airspace
Around noon, a MiG-29 Myanmar air force fighter jet intruded about 4-5 kilometres into Thailand’s airspace, over areas between Ban Wao Lay Tai and Ban Wao Lay Nua villages, a border source said. The intrusion of the jet fighter and loud explosions in Myanmar caused panic among villagers in the two Thai border villages, prompting…
[ Reuters ] Singapore PM backs continued exclusion of Myanmar junta from ASEAN meetings
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in a video call on Friday urged the regional group’s new chair, Cambodia, to engage all sides in Myanmar’s conflict, Singapore’s foreign ministry said on Saturday. Lee told his Cambodian counterpart Hun Sen that ASEAN should continue inviting a non-political representative from Myanmar to its meetings and any decision to…
[ AP ] Myanmar’s Suu Kyi sentenced to 4 more years in prison
Suu Kyi was convicted last month on two other charges and given a four-year prison sentence, which was then halved by the head of the military-installed government. The cases are among about a dozen brought against the 76-year-old Nobel Peace Prize laureate since the army seized power last February, ousting her elected government and arresting…
Cambodia Prime Minister Hun Sen accepted invite to lead high delegation to meet Myanmar military junta leader, Min Aung Hlaing
According to the press release from Cambodia, Prime Minister Hun Sen will be leading a high delegation consist of his deputy, Foreign Minister, Industry Minister as well as a number of senior government officials from the 7 to 8 January 2022. The announced meeting is said to discuss bilateral and multilateral cooperation (read: taking sides;…
[ The Irrawaddy ] Myanmar Military’s Joint Venture Brewery to be Dissolved After Product Boycott
Source: Myanmar Brewery Co, which once manufactured the best-selling beer brands in Myanmar, is to be dissolved. The company is a joint venture between Japanese beverage giant Kirin and the military-owned conglomerate Myanma Economic Holdings Public Co. Ltd (MEHL). On November 19, MEHL made an application to the Yangon Region Western District Court to…
[ Myanmar Now ] Junta turns to retired soldiers amid heavy losses and a slide in recruitment
Myanmar’s military is increasingly relying on retired soldiers to replenish its ranks, as months of conflict take a heavy toll on troops and recruitment efforts, according to military sources. In an effort to bolster its strength in restive regions, the regime has started offering incentives to former military personnel to return to uniform, one ex-soldier…
Rohingya Leader Mohibullah assassinated; ARSA is widely believed to be behind the assassination
On September 29, 2021, Mohibullah, 46, chair of the Arakan Rohingya Society for Peace and Human Rights (ARSPH), was shot and killed by unidentified gunmen in Kutupalong camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Mohibullah had served as a leader among the nearly one million Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, documenting the Myanmar military’s crimes against the Rohingya and advocating…
Gunfires and explosion reported at Sanchaung, Yangon; military vehicles rushed to the scene
Ohnmar Soe@OhnmarSoe #MYANMAR At least ten gun fire shootings and explosions were reported in the commercial area #Sanchaung of #Yangon just now, according to the neighbours. The photo was posted on social media showing SAC vans rush to the scene. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Fighting reported between Tatmadaw’s 138 infantry division against KIA in Putao district, Kachin State – 30 Aug 2021
jasmine_tak@tintaekhine Last night, fighting between the 138th Infantry Division & KIA in the foothills of Tanja village in Putao district, Kachin State has intensified, forcing about 100 people to flee their homes. SAVE 54 MILLION LIVES #Aug27Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Tatmadaw’s 363 brigade attack KIA’s 8 brigade positions at Kyaukkyi – 3 Sep 2021
Shine Htet @ShineHt50613919 Fighting broke out between the KIA No. 8 Brigade and SAC JUNTA of Battalion 5 near #Kyauk_Gyi Village,Shwegu Township, Kachin State, this morning.More than 100 troops from the 363rd Brigade of the SAC JUNTA attacked the KIA.@EmilyFishbein11 #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Sep3Coup
Fighting reported between KIA and Tatmadaw at Homalin Township, Sagaing – 7 Sep
Thet Hnin@ThetHnin091 Fighting broke out between military council and Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in #Homalin Tsp, #Sagaing Division, just hours after @NUGMyanmar announced the State of Emergency this morning. #Sep7Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #UselessASEAN
Kachin Independence Army (KIA) engaged by Tatmadaw after KIA blocked the Danai-Shin Bway Yang road at Shen Lon Ga, Kachin State
Jaw Tu Hkawng@JawTuHkawng Fighting between the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the SAC began at around 10 am today, a day after the KIA blocked the Tanai-Shenbuyang road. The local residents were fleeing the fighting, and it took place in Shenlong, between Tarong and Laja Bum. R/P by @The74Media2019
[ RFA ] Hundreds Flee During Four Days of Fighting in Lashio township, Shan State, Myanmar
Four days of continuous fighting between Myanmar’s military and a rebel army in northern Shan state’s Lashio city, near the country’s border with China, have left at least 17 junta troops dead and forced hundreds of civilians to flee their homes to safety, local media and residents said Tuesday. Clashes began on Aug. 28 when…
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) joined NUG’s war against Tatmadaw
Lasandar@ARAHAN96 The Shan State-based Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army declared Tuesday a day of collective armed uprising, becoming the first ethnic armed group to show solidarity with the National Unity Government’s declaration of war against the junta. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Karenni Army held the 73rd Karreni National Martyrs Day celebration and wreath-laying ceremony
Lhwan Moe@MoeLhwan The 73rd Karenni National Martyrs Day celebration and wreath-laying ceremony was staged in #Nyamo (aka) Tharle Doso—Karenni Army’s Headquarters— on the morning of Sep 8 , today . #SupportRevolutionForDemocracy #Sep9Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
2 senior KNDO commanders admitted killing 25 suspected spies in June 2021 ; suspended from their posts by the Karen National Union (KNU)
Jean-Paul Lagacé@marcoyolo_usa The Karen National Defense Organization suspended two of its senior commanders after they admitted to ordering the execution of 25 unarmed prisoners accused of espionage #burma #myanmar #kndo #KarenArmy Two senior commanders of the Karen National Defence Organisation (KNDO) have admitted that security forces under their control detained and later killed 25 men…
Junta troops clashed with KNLA forces in Hpa-an Township, Karen State – 7 junta casualties reported by KNU
The Irrawaddy (Eng)@IrrawaddyNews Three junta soldiers died and five others were injured in a clash with the Karen National Liberation Army on Friday morning in Hpa-an Township, Karen State, the Karen National Union said. (Photo: KNLA fighters) #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
KNLA’s Maj-Gen Saw Pee Hla Sein passed away from COVID-19
Aᴋɪʀᴀ ᴋᴜɴ@MinKhantmk34021 Maj-Gen Saw Pee Hla Sein, an official from the headquarter of Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA)has passed away at 5AM Sep 8. He is reportedly suffered from Covid-19, said the sources. REST IN POWER #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Sep8Coup #SupportRevolutionForDemocracy
Artillery bombardment reported at Ah Su Chaung village, Bilin, Mon State
Caily.@Caily61596016 Karen National Union (KNU) said that locals in Asu Chaung village tract, Bilin Township were frightened due to heavy artillery fire by LIB 405 of Terrorist Military Troops at 2:45 pm on September 6. #SupportRevolutionForDemocracy #Sep7Coup #UselessASEAN
Tatmadaw raided villages in KNU Brigade 5 areas in Hpapun
Myo Theint Theint Kyaw @MyoTheint8 Military raided some villages in Mae Wai Division, KNU Brigade 5 area in Hpapun District, killed at least one villager & stole pets, food, valuables and property belonging to Karen villagers. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Sep9Coup #DefensiveWarForDemocracy Phu @Phu_twt_mm In Papun district, KNU Brigade-5 area_ SAC troops raided to some villages at MaeWine TeikNal area…
Karen National Union (KNU) call on pro-democracy people to join forces with the KNU armed forces (KNLA – Karen National Liberation Army) – Sep 9
Emily Thae @emilythae8m Karen National Union (KNU) issued an announcement to the pro-democracy people to cooperate with KNU armed forces and they will fight against #MyanmarMilitaryTerrorists to restore democracy. #Sep9Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #DefensiveWarForDemocracy
[ The Quint ] Rohingya Refugees: What is ARSA and Why Are Indian Authorities Concerned?
ARSA, formerly known as Harakah al-Yakin, or ‘Faith Movement’, is currently active among the Rohingya residents in Myanmar and Bangladesh. It claims to be fighting for the rights of the Rohingya population in Myanmar, which were denied by the government. DPA Note: ARSA = Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army Since 2017, Aman Ullah had been shuttling…
[ The Irrawaddy ] Visions of a Federal Future for Myanmar are Fading Fast
In fact, the AA has been more assertive, not just in words but also in deeds. Since November 2020, when a ceasefire was tacitly agreed between the AA and the Myanmar military, the AA has carried out its ambitious plan to tighten its grip on Rakhine State. With the military occupied with suppressing resistance to…
[ The Diplomat ] Arakan Army Seeks to Build ‘Inclusive’ Administration in Rakhine State
Seven months since the military coup in Myanmar, the political wing of the rebel Arakan Army (AA) has significantly expanded its administrative and judicial mechanisms across Rakhine State in western Myanmar, with hundreds of its personnel now effectively administering the region independently of the military junta that rules in Naypyidaw. The group is also attempting…
Arakan Army (AA), Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) to cease military operation against the Tatmadaw in view of COVID-19 pandemic
The Three Brotherhood Alliance has urged groups to minimize, avoid, and stop military operations that affect the security of the people. The alliance consists of the Arakan Army (AA), the Ta’ang National Liberation Army, and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army. The Three Brotherhood Alliance said in their statement that they wanted this in order…
Military helicopters and aircrafts spotted flying to Palaw township – 7 Sep
Wah Wah May @WahWahMay11d Military helicopters and aircrafts in reinforcements were seen flying from Myanmar military air base in #Myauk tsp to #Palaw tsp at about 10:19 am this morning. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Sep7Coup #UselessASEAN #SupportRevolutionForDemocracy
[ Reuters ] How family of a Myanmar junta leader are trying to cash in
A review of an archived version of the account, which has since been shut down, revealed the username was a pseudonym belonging to Ivan Htet, the 33-year-old son of a leading figure in the coup: the chief of the air force, Maung Maung Kyaw. But Ivan Htet hasn’t just been an enthusiastic supporter on social…
PDF guerillas killed in premature detonation while planting IED at a condo carpark in Mayangone township, Yangon on 6 Sep – killing both of them and a security guard
Information Sheet@ISR_Team #Myanmar #SAC #HearTheVoiceOfMyanmar #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #TheRealityofMyanmar #CRPH #NUG #PDF #terrorist Two terrorists died in premature explosion of IEDs while planting bomb near the car parking area in the Bawga Theikdi housing of Mayangone township on 6 September. Two security guards were killed in an explosion in the parking lot of a condominium in No.2…
Tatmadaw set fire to donations and food supplies in Kinma village, Pauk township, Magway
R2P for Myanmar@R2PMyanmar6d On Sep1 morning in the monastery of #Kinma village #Pauk tsp, SAC thugs again set fire to the donations, food supplies for Kinma village, which the whole village was Arson’s attack by SAC thugs in June. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Sep2Coup
Army column reportedly attacked by PDF and other resistance group in Naypyitaw – 11 junta soldiers killed; Tatmadaw denies incident
Leong Wai Kit@LeongWaiKitCNA People’s Defence Force joins hands with other resistance group to attack #Myanmar army column in Nay Pyi Taw 11 junta soldiers reportedly killed, says @Myanmar_Now_Eng quoting @NUGMyanmar Army spokesman denies incident The Naypyitaw chapter of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) released a statement on Wednesday announcing that they had attacked a military…
Tatmadaw offensive against Karenni Army (KA) and Karreni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) – Sep 3
2021 Revolution Tweets@2021Revtweets·Sep 4 Clashes broke out between SAC&KA/KNDF near KonNar & DawTahay villages in LoiLinLay,Kayah State as SAC held offensive attack there. Local villagers are FLEEING as SAC is reinforcing again in September to hold offensive attacks. #Sep3Coup#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
PDF and KNLA skirmish with Tatmadaw in Thayet Chaung and Palaw township, Tanintharyi – 7 Sep
A clash took place at around 8am in Thayet Chaung Township’s Taung Pyauk village under the control of the Karen National Liberation Army’s (KNLA) fourth brigade and lasted only around 15 minutes, a member of the local People’s Defence Force (PDF) said on the condition of anonymity. He said that three junta soldiers were injured,…
Ukraine discovered to be exporting aircraft parts to the Tatmadaw
Ukraine has developed deep links to the Myanmar military, with arms exports and technology transfers continuing, even after the Myanmar military has committed mass murder amounting to atrocity crimes following its illegitimate coup attempt. According to Ukrainian export data, accessed via Import Genius, Motor Sich exported engines and parts to Myanmar twice since the military’s…
People’s Revolutionary Association (PRA) has fired four 107mm rockets at Magway Air Force Base – 7 Sept
DVB English@DVB_English The People’s Revolutionary Association (PRA) has fired four 107mm rockets at Magway Air Force Base, according to a statement released by the group. The PRA is a defense force of students and youths from the Magway region. This follows reports from local residents of intense activity within the base since early morning today.
Tatmadaw & PDF reported at Kayin Taung Pyauk, Thayetchaung township, Dawei Distrcit, Taninthayi Division
SAVE MYANMAR (Sophia)@KhinSophia In Taungpyauk, Thayetchaung tsp, Dawei, SAC terrorists launched an offensive attack to the villages, and erupted clashes with PDF this morning. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Sep7Coup #UselessASEAN #SupportRevolutionForDemocracy
Drive-by grenade attack by PDF at Mandalay military base. 2 junta soldiers killed, one PDF fighter shot – in critical condition
[travelers-map this_post=true] An eyewitness told Myanmar Now that a military battalion at the base of Mandalay Hill was attacked with a grenade by members of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) on Tuesday, reportedly killing two junta troops and injuring one PDF fighter. The PDF members allegedly threw the grenade from a motorcycle at around 6pm.…
[ Myanmar Now ] Myanmar’s shadow government declares ‘resistance war’ against military junta
Myanmar’s acting president Duwa Lashi La of the National Unity Government (NUG) announced on Tuesday that the people’s “resistance war” against the junta had started and urged the public across the country to revolt against the military coup regime led by Min Aung Hlaing. In an seven-minute emergency speech, the acting president also called on…
Petition to call for UN recognition of Myanmar’s National Unity Government (NUG) underway
A petition is started on by “Nang Si Si Win NUG support group Australia” to call for the recognition of Myanmar’s government in exile, the National Unity Government (NUG) by the United Nations General Assembly. When we first encountered the petition, it was around 7000 signed. Currently as of the writing of the article,…
The Myanmar military junta had denied responsibility for the alleged assassination plot on Myanmar’s UN Ambassador
According to the report by Reuters on the statement by the Myanmar military-led government on state television MRTV, the junta had denied responsibility for the uncovered assassination attempt on the Myanmar’s United Nations ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun, dismissing it as a domestic U.S case. “The event is a domestic case in the United States. Judgment…
[ The Guardian ] Myanmar duo arrested in New York over plot to kill UN ambassador
Two Myanmar citizens have been arrested in New York state for plotting with an arms dealer in Thailand – who sells weapons to the Burmese military – to kill or injure Myanmar’s ambassador to the United Nations. The US attorney’s office for the southern district of New York said on Friday that Phyo Hein Htut, 28, and…
[ Reuters ] Myanmar shadow government condemns army ruler for taking PM role
Members of a shadow government set up by opponents of Myanmar’s coup condemned on Monday the country’s military ruler for taking on the role of prime minister in a caretaker government and said the move was designed to try to win legitimacy. “The transition from a military council to a caretaker government is a reflection…
[ The Irrawaddy ] COVID-19 Rips Through Myanmar Military: Soldiers
The State Administrative Council (SAC), the governing body of the military regime, has imposed a news blackout on COVID-19 deaths in the military, despite widespread infections. The infected junior personnel and their families do not receive treatment at military hospitals until their conditions are serious. Until then they are ordered to isolate in their accommodation,…
Copying the 2014 Thailand coup d’etat, Myanmar military coup leader, Min Aung Hlaing declares himself Prime Minister, reneging on his 1 year election promise
In a dramatic, yet unsurprising, turn of event, the Tatmadaw leader, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing declared himself the Prime Minister in a speech broadcasted on national tv on Sunday, reneging on his 1 year election promise – extending it by 2 years till August 2023. The State Aministration Council (SAC) will now be replaced…
[ NY Times ] Top Myanmar General Says Military Rule Will Continue Into 2023
Six months after seizing power, the junta’s leader on Sunday extended a state of emergency for two more years. Protesters said they would persevere.
The lack of leadership in the UN exposed by the Myanmar crisis
As the monsoon season hits Myanmar, floods turning the plight of the Burmese facing the double threat of both persecution by the military-rules regime and COVID-19 virus into a hellish triple threat. Despite the obvious problem with the military overthrowing the election results, and mandating a one year postponement of a re-election (which there is…
Myanmar Reports: 15 – 21 July 2021
Myanmar – #Kokang Army / #Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (#MNDAA) defeated the #Tatmadaw in #Monekoe, #MuSe Township, northern #Shan State, killing 7 junta soldiers and confiscated ammunitions including mortar shells and RPGs – #Chinland Defense Force announced a new unit in #Matupi Township, #Chin State – #CDF-Matupi, which will operate alongside Chin National Front…
Kokang Army / Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) defeated the Tatmadaw in Monekoe, Mu Se Township, northern Shan State, killing 7 junta soldiers and confiscated ammunitions including mortar shells and RPGs
Thet Hnin@ThetHnin091 Fighting broke out between the Kokang Army (MNDAA) and the military council in Mong Ko, Muse Township, northern Shan State, killing seven SAC soldiers and confiscating large quantities of ammunition. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #July18Coup
[ The Irrawaddy ] Silence on Coup Makes Strategic Sense for Myanmar’s Wa
On March 25, 10 Wa civil society organizations, among them the Tang-yan Wa Youth Network, university students from the Wa Christian Fellowship and the Wa Women’s Network, sent an open letter to the UWSP/UWSA leadership urging them to say something about the killings and to publicize their stand on the movement for federal democracy. That…
Chinland Defense Force announced a new unit in Matupi Township, Chin State – CDF-Matupi, which will operate alongside Chin National Front (CNF) and other CDFs
Chin World Media@media_chin The CDF announced the formation of the Chinland Defense Force in Matupi Township, Chin State. The statement said the CDF-Matupi was formed on 16 July and will launch operations in Chin State together with Chin National Front (CNF) and other CDFs. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Fighting between the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the Tatmadaw near Sai Fara village, Hpakant Township, Kachin State
Thet Hnin @ThetHnin0915d At 4 PM today,,near #SaiFara Village, Hpakant Township, #Kachin State.Fighting between the #KIA and the military council resumed. Five artillery shells landed in the vicinity of Sai Fara village after heavy artillery fire from a military base in #NangYa village. #July16Coup