Become a writer / contributor to DPA
And make history together…
We have just added a form on the home page, as well as on the Editor’s Notes page that will allow anyone to submit their articles to be published on DPA.
( alternatively, you can simply just contact us directly at )
Of course, as usual for any website, we will need to vet through the articles to ensure that it is not spam and of minimal quality to be publish on the website.
Your name / profile will be credited and the article will be published under your name.
For frequent contributors, we can create an account in which you can log in and publish at will.

The onboarding is simple:
In the form, we already asked for your name and email, as well as the title of the article and the article itself. However, we will still do our due diligence to contact you personally, to ensure that the article is published the way you intended, as well as to make sure that you are you (so there is no mistaken identity or people publishing using a false identity – though this would be hard to verify – but also meaningless for people to do so)
We will be requesting for your photo (or any picture you want to present yourself), a short profile of yourself and any other information which I will require, so that I can create an author profile for you.
In your name:
As mention previously, the article will be published in your name. So you will fully own the rights to your own writing. DPA will not own your writing, and you may at any time, request us to take down your articles (or you can delete them yourself should you have an contributor account).
However, DPA may create additional content, based on your article/content – for example Youtube videos, podcast, illustration, graphics, etc… based on your article. This is to expand on the content you have created and for your writing to reach a wider audience (and via varying medium and form). These content however, will be DPA’s copyright (as the investment in resources and time is from the DPA).
Profit sharing:
We are currently not making a single cent yet; but I think I should address this early. Ideally, we will want DPA to be a profitable entity and it should be able to fund itself, hire journalists/reporters all around the world.
So regardless of the method we get there, we hope to contribute back to your contribution via the revenue we earn. We will attempt to develop some form of royalty system, so that any content you contributed in which in turn generated revenue, we will try to get portion of it back to you as royalty.
The most likely revenue from what are seeing now, is via Youtube advertising. Thus the previous section’s mentioning of creating additional content based on your writing. From our observation, writing alone do not generate much, if any revenue. Thus, the ability for us to expand on your writing/contribution will be important for the revenue generation attempts – and hopefully you can make your effort worth it.
Tentatively, since this is still at such an early stage, it would be hard for us to guarantee or promise anything concrete. So you can only base this on faith that one day we will fulfill our aspirations.
I hope to see you on board as a freelance writer / contributor to DPA; and hopefully some day, DPA will grow sufficiently to make your contribution worthwhile.