A Case for Increasing Singapore’s Participation in International Peacekeeping

‘Military Operations Other Than War’ (MOOTW), also known as ‘Peace Support Operations’ (PSO)[1] encompasses operations that have been described by the United Nations’ ‘Supplement to an Agenda for Peace’[2] as ‘Instruments for Peace and Security’ that involve elements such as ‘peace-keeping’, ‘post-conflict peace-building’, and ‘preventive diplomacy and peacemaking’[3]. This article aims to argue that Singapore…

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UAE and Ukraine providing military support to Ethiopia in civil war against Tigray Defense Forces

According to an exclusive report by Al Jazeera, they had discovered by satellite images that Ethiopia is receiving extensive support in their fight against forces from the northern Tigray region. In their investigation, there were more than 90 flights between United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Ethiopia between September and November 2021. A Spanish firm is…

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Abu Dhabi-based Calidus unveiled heavy attack turboprop aircraft: B-350

According to multiple reports, including from FlightGlobal.com, AINOnline.com and Aviationweek.com, Calidus unveiled a model of B-350 at the Dubai Airshow. The “large” turboprop seemed to be a heavier version of the Calidus B-250, with 12 underwing hardpoints that can carry an assortment of armament: from precision guided bombs, to rockets and even sidewinders (refer to…

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[ The Korea Times ] Korea, Indonesia reaches final agreement over KF-X project

Source: https://wwwa.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/11/205_318635.html The militaries of South Korea and Indonesia have reached a final agreement on the cost-sharing for their joint fighter development project called the KF-X (Korean Fighter eXperimental) here and the IF-X in Indonesia. The Korean Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) announced Thursday that it had reached an agreement with the Indonesian defense ministry…

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Jorge “Ka Oris” Madlos, Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) – New People’s Army (NPA)’s spokesperson/commander killed

According to the Philippine News Agency of the Filipino government, Jorge Madlos, also known as Ka Oris, is killed in an operation in Impasugong, Bukidnon, Mindanao. Madlos is the spokesperson of the New People’s Army (NPA) and is the most wanted NPA commander in Mindanao. Madlos was facing multiple cimrinal cases such as robbery with…

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[ Washington Post ] Navy nuclear engineer and his wife charged with trying to share submarine secrets with a foreign country

A Navy nuclear engineer and his wife have been charged with repeatedly trying to pass secrets about U.S. nuclear submarines to a foreign country, in an alleged espionage plot discovered by the FBI, according to court document The court papers say that in December 2020, an FBI official received a package that had been sent…

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