2 senior KNDO commanders admitted killing 25 suspected spies in June 2021 ; suspended from their posts by the Karen National Union (KNU)

Jean-Paul Lagacé@marcoyolo_usa The Karen National Defense Organization suspended two of its senior commanders after they admitted to ordering the execution of 25 unarmed prisoners accused of espionage #burma #myanmar #kndo #KarenArmy Two senior commanders of the Karen National Defence Organisation (KNDO) have admitted that security forces under their control detained and later killed 25 men…

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Tatmadaw raided villages in KNU Brigade 5 areas in Hpapun

Myo Theint Theint Kyaw @MyoTheint8 Military raided some villages in Mae Wai Division, KNU Brigade 5 area in Hpapun District, killed at least one villager & stole pets, food, valuables and property belonging to Karen villagers. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Sep9Coup #DefensiveWarForDemocracy Phu @Phu_twt_mm In Papun district, KNU Brigade-5 area_ SAC troops raided to some villages at MaeWine TeikNal area…

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Karen National Union (KNU) call on pro-democracy people to join forces with the KNU armed forces (KNLA – Karen National Liberation Army) – Sep 9

Emily Thae @emilythae8m Karen National Union (KNU) issued an announcement to the pro-democracy people to cooperate with KNU armed forces and they will fight against #MyanmarMilitaryTerrorists to restore democracy. #Sep9Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #DefensiveWarForDemocracy pic.twitter.com/vuI7UkId1S

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