New Moroccan drone strikes against the Polisario : A beginning of a resumption of daily strikes?

The Moroccan army reportedly carried out a strike against “armed elements” in the area of Mijek near the border with Mauritania. This action was allegedly in response to rumors and threats from the Polisario about the arrival of Iranian drones. However, the pro-Polisario media claims that the strike was against civilians. The incident is said to have taken place on Tuesday, November 22, 2022.

Sahara : Trois éléments armés du Polisario tués par un drone des FAR

Sahara : Trois éléments armés du Polisario tués par un drone des FAR. Un drone des Forces armées royales a bombardé des éléments armés du Polisario. L’opération s’est produite, mardi, dans la zone de Mijek, près de la frontière avec

According to an independent Saharawi source, there have been strikes against the Polisario army and civilians near Mijek in Western Sahara. The source claims that three airstrikes carried out by the Moroccan air force in the region have resulted in three deaths and significant material destruction. The attacks are said to have targeted an old service station where traders were stopping in transit between Mauritania and Western Sahara. Additionally, the source claims that on November 25, 2022, a series of attacks were carried out against presumed civilians and soldiers.

A destroyed vehicle in the Western Sahara. Photo: ECS
Morocco’s attack near the Mijek. Photo ESC

It is not clear if the reported strikes and attacks in Western Sahara are true, as Mauritania prohibits travel in the disputed territory claimed by the Polisario and the UN mission in the region (MINURSO) has not confirmed the incidents. It is also not possible to travel from Algeria to Western Sahara due to the presence of Algerian military bases and positions along the border between the two countries. As a result, anyone attempting to enter the area may face strikes or arrests at the border.

Nuevos ataques marroquíes en el Sáhara Occidental dejan una docena de víctimas civiles entre mauritanos y saharauis

El gobierno mauritano, como es habitual, no se ha pronunciado sobre la muerte de dos de sus nacionales y los varios heridos. Marruecos está realizando ataques contra civiles cerca de la frontera del Sáhara Occidental con Mauritania en varios puntos.

Marruecos continúa bombardeando objetivos civiles: muere un saharaui por el ataque de un dron marroquí en el Sáhara Occidental

Birlehlu (ECS). – Un hombre saharaui de 40 años de edad ha fallecido este martes y varias personas más han resultado heridas en un ataque de un dron militar marroquí en la región de Mijek, a un kilómetro de la frontera entre el Sáhara Occidental y Mauritania, informa una fuente familiar a ECSAHARAUI.